
Common Questions

Below are some of the most common questions we get asked here at Bentley Business Associates.

If your question is not in the list of common questions then please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form.

Can you help me set up my quickbooks?

Yes, we are a Quickbooks Pro Advisor and specialise in Quickbooks set up in Redditch and surrounding areas.

Can you help me use quickbooks?

If you’re a new user Quickbooks can seem daunting. It is a steep learning curver to get to grips with all of the features and release the full potential of Quickbooks. We can help ease this and show you the basics before moving on when you are ready.

Do you come to our business premises?

We can offer in-house or office based training at my home address, whichever you feel most comfortable with.

We offer one to one or group training sessions, to help get you started on using Quickbooks to suit the nature of your business.